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#MyFriendAlexa – The name is enough to send a sense of excitement in you, at least in me.

This the 5th season of #MyFriendAlexa conducted by Blogchatter and for me it is the 4th time I’m participating in this campaign. I missed only the 1st season and have been a participant of this campaign for last 4 consecutive years.

It was a fabulous experience for me participating in the #MyFriendAlexa campaign earlier. It not just boosted my writing with 8 minimum posts in a month, but also I got to read a lot of informative and entertaining posts from some talented bloggers of various niche.

This year has been a different one from many angles in our lives – all thanks to CORONA. And #MyFriendAlexa campaign is also somewhat different is what I got to understand from the posts and communications I follow from The Blogchatter Team. I’m looking forward being a part of this excitement and planning my blogging calendar for the month of October.

The aim of the campaign is to lose the number of your Alexa traffic rank for your blog. The more it reduces the more your blog popularity is – it’s the other way round. The lesser the number the closer you are in winning this campaign. From my experience, I can say that if you follow the rules properly you see a drastic change in your Alexa rank by the end of the campaign. It’s up to you how diligent and disciplined you are to follow the rules and actively participate in this awesome activity.

Having said that, this I consider as a pre-campaign post to share what I’m going to do as part of this campaign. This year there is nothing like a theme upon which the campaign is based. We have the liberty choose the content as the way we would like to. Taking that liberty, I’ve set up a theme for my posts that I’m going to curate for this campaign.

My theme for this year’s #MyFriendAlexa is 5 since this is the 5th season of the campaign.

Without giving or revealing more on my plans I would just like to mention that my 4 weeks of bogging will be based on 4 different genres or topics with one topic each week. Here are the topics that I’ve planned to curate my posts on:

  • Week 1: Content & Marketing
  • Week 2: Covid Situation
  • Week 3: Travel
  • Week 4: Technology

I’m all set to take my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa

Are you?

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