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Web development is transforming at a rapid pace. Every business has now emerged with different information technology systems. And to stay ahead of the rivals now businesses need to focus more on technology advancement and keep changing with the change in trends. In this post I tried to capture some of the top web development trends in 2020.

Top web development trends in 2020

Artificial Intelligence AI- Chatbots

artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the system of imitation of human intelligence expressed through machines by setting up the algorithms in a way that the system can perform various tasks like the reignition of images, voices, decision making, and much more. Some of the major examples where AI has been used extensively are Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri, etc. Now the chatbots are recommended in each online business website to address the consumer queries as soon as they ask. These chatbots are client support for 24/7 presence. Many open-source bot building technologies available like Facebook bot engine, Microsoft Bot framework, etc.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

accelerated mobile pages

The major demand for each user is to have a user-friendly and mobile responsive website and it is observed that whichever websites are not mobile responsive the bounce rate is quite high. And moreover, Google is also ranking the page on SERP Search Engine Result Page based on mobile responsiveness. AMP can increase the visibility of the website and using AMP in landing speeds up the loading much faster than a non- AMP page.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

These are the websites that work like native mobile apps. With the emergence of technology and HTML 5, businesses can take the advantage of reaching unlimited users through websites’ wide reach and also through mobile apps. Some examples of the companies that have adopted the PWA are Pinterest, Twitter, Uber, Forbes, etc.

Single Page Applications

Previously users had to wait for loading of webpages using JavaScript for loading contents but these days through single-page apps people don’t have to wait for loading in browsers. These apps ask has all the relevant and updated information on the single page itself. Some of the examples of these apps are Gmail, GitHub, etc.

single page application

Push Notifications

push notification

Indeed a powerful tool to enhance the user experience and marketing efforts of a company Whenever for a long time a user is not using an app through this facility of push notification these users can be notified which increases the chances of getting active onto the app again. These notifications are also used to deliver different kinds of information to the users like about special offers on products, etc. Some tools through which push notification can be implemented are PushCrew, OneSignal, ZoPush, etc.


In today’s digital world with the digitalization, the threat to cybercrime is also increasing by hackers, cyberattacks, etc. So in order to protect the essential data, networks, and programs, it is important to have powerful cybersecurity. And each business is now concerned with cybersecurity and taking it as a prime factor with technology use.

Voice search optimization

Voice search is been rising in trend. According to Gartner, about 30% of all searches will be done through voice without using a screen by 2020. Voice search optimization is one of the web development that cannot be ignored. Some technology that can be used is Web speech API.

voice search optimizations

Motion UI

To make any graphical representation or any product engaging and attractive Motion UI is the solution and is getting popular for years. It is the library capable of making graceful development, animating designs, and is very flexible for the framing of JavaScript. It has made the life of developers easier.

With the increasing change in the overall web development technology, it is necessary for the corporates to set aside a budget for web development. For more tech related posts keep visiting my blog.

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